Digitize & Save Money
Contract Management of the Future!

Save time!
Let Avtalsbevakning automatically handle the monitoring of due dates and send notifications via e-mail.

Reduce costs!
You save money quickly by not missing out on renegotiating mobile subscriptions or canceling unnecessary subscriptions.

Sign contracts electronically

Sign documents

Integrate with Scrive and sign contract electronically, with or without BankID.

More info

Save time and money

Save time and money

Do not miss cancelations or renegotiations and keep track of both costs and revenues. Avtalsbevakning sends out reminders of contracts in good time.

Create invoices and get financial control

Automate invoicing

Connect your account with Fortnox or Visma eEkonomi and further simplify your work. Keep the customer and supplier register up to date and create invoices quick and easy.

More info Fortnox
More info Visma eEkonomi

App screenshot

All in one place

Collect all contracts and documents in one place. Everything becomes quickly accessible and searchable. Set permissions and make it easier for more people to see only the contracts they need.

Automatic notification

Enter the start date, contract period and due dates and the system keeps track of when the contract needs to be terminated or renegotiated.

Add documents

Upload documents, link to an external source or enter free text for where an agreement is. You choose!

Notifications by e-mail

Add unlimited notifications via email so that the person responsible for the contract does not miss to terminate or renegotiate.

Time reporting

Are you a consultant or hourly debit your customers? Time report on contracts and then create an invoice to send to the customer. With integration with Fortnox, you can also create the invoice directly in Fortnox.

Integrate with Fortnox

Sync suppliers and customers with Fortnox and see their invoices. Create new invoices based on a contract and see them directly in Avtalsbevakning. Read more

Integrate with Visma eEkonomi

Sync suppliers and customers with Visma eEkonomi and see their invoices. Create new invoices based on a contract and see them directly in Avtalsbevakning. Read more

Integrate with Scrive

Sign documents electronically, with or without BankID. Invite those who are to sign, they do not have to be users in Avtalsbevakning or Scrive, choose the signing method and easily follow the process in Avtalsbevakning. Read more
Cost analysis

Readonly users

Create readonly users who can only view contract information for specific accounts or categories. In the Plus package, you can create 50 users at no extra cost.


Grant access only to the agreements and functions that each person must have access to. Add readonly users who can only see information, in the Plus package you can create 50 users at no extra cost.


The system works no matter what device you are using. The page adapts automatically. All you need is an internet connection.


Do you have your contracts in Excel today? No problem, easily import all at once and get order right away. If you need to process your lists in another system, export to csv or Excel.
Admin account details

Create a free account today!

Password must be at least 8 characters long

Simplify contract management

Free administrative time!

Simplify administration by digitalize all contracts and reach them whereever, whenever. Get notifications by e-mail so you don't miss any negotiations or cancellations.

No hidden costs

You can find all costs on the pricing page. No additional costs will be added. Pay monthly by card with automatic renewal. Frequently asked questions about pricing

Avtalsbevakning should be the obvious choice for management of contracts.
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